2016 Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders from Europe – Environmental Issues – University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
«From 18th June to 24th July, I lived one of the best experiences of my life! As a SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institutes) participant on the environmental issues program, I spent four weeks in Eugene (Oregon) at the University of Oregon. We had a lot of interesting classes about this topic and about leadership that helped me grow intellectually. Despite of the classes, we went camping and we had some volunteer work that provided us the experience and the information about the needs of the local community. We also did some trips that were included in the calendar such as going to Crater Lake National Park -it was one of the most beautiful views that I ever saw!- and saw a baseball game!
After these four weeks, we went to Colorado for four days, and then to Washington DC, where we had to present the projects that we had to develop in Eugene. I had a chance to know amazing people that I am sure that we are going to be friends for life and important people in some environmental areas. The coordinators really took care of us and they put a lot of effort to give us the best experience possible and it went really well! Also, it was really easy for me to communicate with my parents. This program was important to me in terms of culture, experience and knowledge. It opens doors for a future professional life that you have to work to achieve.»